We are all beautiful and full of warmth and love, so how can we shine that light and make the world a better place? We'll explore that question through movement, stillness, and art during our camp week together.

Just one week this year, so sign up early to secure your spot!
July 10-14.
The Vienna Fire Department banquet hall!
How long?
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.-Monday through Friday.
Student limit?
5 minimum, 15 maximum.
Yoga, meditation, breathwork, of course.
Arts & Crafts focused on stars, light, all things shiny.
Lunchtime (bring a packed lunch).
I'll bring some snacks to share as well.
Friday will be Glow-ga & Graduation (glow in the dark yoga).
Dancing & Games.
Hiking and outoor time.
Movie & popcorn time
Each student will receive a journal that we will use during the week.
Bonding, laughing, friend-making, silliness and more!